At the Hub Division NMRA Holiday Train Shows, Marlborough, MA
December 2007 Gallery
The chapter attended the Hub Division’s annual train show and sale over the weekend of December 1-2 2007 in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Weather proved to be helpful for this year’s show as Saturday morning dawned bright, cold and clear; a perfect day for attending a model train show! Crowds of railroad enthusiasts lined up for some distance prior to the opening of the show. Our group was again fortunate enough to be able to set up our display by the front window and we posted one of our signs for all to see. Event-goers knew exactly which way to turn upon entering the venue.
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Prior to the show opening to the public, much work had to be done to erect the modules, tie them all together, and test out the electronics. Below, members John Avery and Jeff Koellmer work to rerail a train car that jumped the track inside of a tunnel on the layout.
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Once open to the public, many railfans were intrigued by our “back line” of light weight modules. Below, member Peter Manz answers a question from an enthusiast.
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Club member Kurt Hilse watches train movements carefully below while enthusiasts take in the view from the “front line” of the display. Members Bob Forte and Mike Haire (with backs toward camera) discuss something railroad-related, no doubt.
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For the second time at a train show, chapter members set up a temporary layout just for children to operate, and again it proved to be a smashing hit. Below, member Ed Scheff helps little ones operate the controls and explains the basics of operation. Kids just loved to get up close (and personal) to the models. Even parents got into the act and we bet there will be more than a few new train sets under the Christmas tree this year!
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December 2006 Gallery
Over the weekend of 2-3 December 2006, the chapter attended a train show sponsored by the Hub Division of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA). The venue for this show was the spacious Best Western Royal Plaza Trade Center located in Marlborough, MA. The two-day show proved to be a major attraction for train enthusiasts and many of the attendees were fascinated by our somewhat atypical module display. Between this train show and the prior show, many refinements were made to the modules. Several of the new modules received additional detail that kept observers spellbound, both young and old alike. Before the show opened, however, the task of setting up needed to begin early on Friday afternoon. The modules were unloaded from our trailer, placed into position along side one another, and the picture below shows Ed Sheff inserting a pair of bridge tracks between two of the modules on the “front line”. Mike Haire (background) adjusts the catenary on his station module.
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John Avery checks the alignment between two modules, below. Royce Thomas is preparing a consist for entry onto the mainline while Peter Manz and Mike Haire check to see that the end loop is complete (background).
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Below, Mike DePunté (with back to camera) discusses catenary options with Mike Haire and Barry Kriegsman (right) in front of Barry’s European cityscape. Other members of the chapter are busy with final adjustments.
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At 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, the doors opened to the public and many chapter members were on hand to answer questions about the layout from interested attendees. The transition from older Märklin K-Track on the “front line” to the newer C-Track on the new back side can be seen on the new corner module crafted by the chapter’s Module Construction Manager, Zeke Sampson.
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Mike Haire changes a tire on his BR-103 German electric locomotive while Kurt Hilse mans the operating controls. Careful attention needed to be paid to the location of all train consists on the newly expanded layout because the computer program had not yet been updated to help in this effort.
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Zeke Sampson (left) and Barry review some of the materials placed on the Information Display table. Interesting Marklin and foreign rail videos were shown to passersby along with sample catalogs, equipment fliers and ETE Membership literature. The special Marklin starter set that was graciously donated to the chapter by the family of the late Edward Macedo is proudly displayed at the center of the table. Ed was a long time friend and member of the chapter prior to his passing last year.
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Some of the impressive detail added to Glenn and Sue Reed’s module can be seen in the following pictures. A red (DB) class ET 87 German electric rail car is seen passing over the viaduct. Below the viaduct, you can spot campers relaxing in the playground situated alongside the stream. Fishermen, Kayakers, canoeists and swimmers are taking advantage of the cool, clear waters. Another scene depicted on their module shows a loaded hay wagon being pulled by draft horses and shelters for the swine. Finally, a farmer is tilling his crop of sunflowers.
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The pope, dressed in his finest robe (including his red Prada’s) is greeting the local monk and a wayward hiker in the chapel scene below. Note the detail of the covered crucifixion display in the right corner of the picture.
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The following picture highlights the “working” windmill on Mark Mervine’s new module. A Royal Bavarian State Railroad Mallet loaded with freight cars of different types makes its way slowly past the switch house.
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A bright yellow work diesel locomotive awaits its next assignment outside of the welding shop on Mike Haire’s module. The complex catenary structure leading to the station module can be seen in the foreground.
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John Avery explains some of the nuances of the Märklin track system and catenary to an interested observer. His little boy was fascinated by the layout and they spent much time checking out the details.
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The Bavarian Mallet awaits clearance to depart the station module on its way to the newer section of the layout.
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A load of tank cars awaits transition to a set of special bogies on Mike DePunté’s new module. Transfer stations like the one shown are prevalent in Switzerland where both standard and meter gauge track systems are used interchangeably. The standard gauge railcars ride onto the narrow gauge bogies and both slide downhill to the waiting narrow gauge consist. The process is reversed when standard gauge tracks are again utilized. Mike’s model works just like the real thing and is fascinating to watch in operation.
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Much to everyone’s surprise, Santa made a rare appearance during the show. The kids got a big kick out of shaking hands with the “big guy” and when Santa asked if he could drive our trains, how could anyone say no?? Remember, Christmas eve is coming soon and all “good little (and big) kids” ALWAYS ask for new trains!
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