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Great Train Exposition Train Show (Hartford, CT) – European Train Enthusiasts

Great Train Exposition Train Show (Hartford, CT)

Hartford, CT February 2007 Gallery
The chapter attended a Train Show sponsored by The Great Train Exposition (GTE) held over the weekend of February 3-4, 2007 in Hartford, CT. As most of our showings occur in the greater Boston area, this venue presented an opportunity for many of our Connecticut-based members to participate locally. It also provided an opportunity for show attendees to hopefully develop a like interest in European Railways. Although the show came close on the heels of the Amherst Belt Lines show, up the interstate in Springfield, MA, turnout at this show was considered good and the chapter had yet another opportunity to set up and operate the modular layout. Some pictures taken during the two-day event appear below.

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As the show opened to the public on Saturday morning, our layout was up and running and our information display table attracted the attention of many with its compliment of European catalogs, magazines and foreign rail videos (thanks to Chapter President Barry Kriegsman).

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A father hoists his young son so that he can get a better look at a model train exiting the tunnel at one of the layout’s end loops.

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Above, Chapter Member Sue Reed (at left) explains the use of Marklin C-Track on the new portion of the layout display to an interested observer.

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The “calm before the storm”: Early Sunday morning, before the start of the second day of the show, Chapter Member Royce Thomas makes sure the tracks are set with the trains and all electrical connections are good.

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Chapter Members Mark Mervine, Royce Thomas, and Mike Haire (left to right), are busy with last-minute preparations.

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Barry Kreigsman’s steam engine lost a traction tire at one point while pulling a heavy load of ore cars. Royce Thomas gets “up close and personal” with the steamer and carefully replaces the tire.

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Member John Avery explains the construction of a European hillside to an observer at one point. Many members turned out to answer questions from interested observers, both young and old.

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Member Mike Haire navigates the computer controls, requiring full concentration when three or four train “consists” are in operation at the same time on the layout. The new portion of the layout contains a single main line, with passing siding that is used when two trains are sharing the line.

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The crowd begins to dwindle as the show winds down late Sunday afternoon. Family members continue to be fascinated by all of the scenic details.

©2007 ETE Eastern New England Chapter. All rights reserved.